Keeping Your Options Open When The Person You’re Dating Won’t Commit

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So, you’ve been seeing someone for a while now, and things seem to be going well. You’ve been on a few dates, had some great conversations, and maybe even shared a few intimate moments. But there’s one problem – they won’t commit. Whether it’s because they’re not ready for a serious relationship or they’re just not sure about you, it can be frustrating and confusing when the person you’re dating won’t commit. But don’t worry, there are ways to handle this situation and keep your options open.

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Assess Your Own Feelings

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The first step in dealing with a partner who won’t commit is to assess your own feelings. Are you okay with the current situation, or are you looking for something more serious? It’s important to be honest with yourself about what you want and need from a relationship. If you’re okay with keeping things casual for now, that’s totally fine. But if you’re looking for a committed relationship, it may be time to reevaluate the situation.

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Communication is Key

Once you’ve figured out what you want, it’s time to talk to your partner. Communication is key in any relationship, and it’s important to have an open and honest conversation about where you both stand. Let your partner know how you feel and what you’re looking for. If they’re not on the same page, it may be time to consider other options.

Keep Your Options Open

If your partner is unwilling to commit, it’s important to keep your options open. This doesn’t mean you should start seeing other people right away, but it’s okay to keep your eyes open for other potential partners. Remember, you deserve to be with someone who wants the same things as you do. Don’t settle for less than you deserve.

Focus on Yourself

While you’re keeping your options open, it’s also important to focus on yourself. Take this time to work on your own personal growth and happiness. Pursue your hobbies, spend time with friends and family, and focus on your own goals and aspirations. When you’re happy and fulfilled on your own, you’ll be in a better position to attract the right partner.

Set Boundaries

If you decide to continue seeing someone who won’t commit, it’s important to set boundaries. Make it clear what you’re comfortable with and what you’re not. Let them know that you won’t wait around forever, and that you deserve to be with someone who is ready for a committed relationship. Setting boundaries will help you maintain your self-respect and ensure that you’re not being taken advantage of.

Don’t Settle

Above all, don’t settle for a situation that doesn’t make you happy. If you’re looking for a committed relationship and the person you’re dating isn’t willing to give that to you, it’s okay to walk away. It may be difficult, but in the long run, you’ll be glad you didn’t settle for less than you deserve.

In conclusion, dealing with a partner who won’t commit can be tough, but it’s important to remember that you have options. Assess your own feelings, communicate with your partner, keep your options open, focus on yourself, set boundaries, and above all, don’t settle. By following these steps, you’ll be better equipped to handle the situation and find the right partner for you. Remember, you deserve to be with someone who is ready and willing to commit to a relationship.